Dane Richardson
Superintendent of Schools
Phone: 432-457-2223 ext 222
HB 3033 - PIA Designation of Non-Business Days
Forsan ISD 2024
March 10, 11, 12 | July 3, 5 | November 25, 26 | December 23, 24, 26

Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information regarding the amount of taxes that each entity that taxes your property will impose if the entity adopts its proposed tax rate. Your local property tax database will be updated regularly during August and September as local elected officials propose and adopt the property tax rates that will determine how much you pay in property taxes.
The property owner may request from the county assessor-collector or the person who assesses taxes for the county, contact information for the assessor for each taxing unit in which the property is located, who must provide the information described to the owner on request
Property owners may register with their respective County on the appraisal district's website to have notifications regarding updates to the property tax database delivered to the owner by email.
Howard County Tax Assessor-Collector
Tiffany Sayles
315 Main Street, Suite D
P. O. Box 1111
Big Spring, Texas 79721
Phone: 432-264-2232
Fax: 432-264-2282
Mitchell County Tax Assessor Collector
Teresa Hughes
438 East Second Street
Colorado City, TX 79512
Telephone: (325) 728-2606
Property Tax Search - Online Property Tax Search
TAPR Overview
The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), formerly known as the AEIS (Academic Excellence Indicator System) reports, pull together a wide range of information annually on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas. The reports also provide extensive information on staff, programs, and demographics for each school and district.
Results of STAAR Test; by grade, by subject, and by all grades tested;
Participation in the TAKS tests;
Exit-level TAKS Cumulative Passing Rates;
Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers;
Results of the Student Success Initiative;
English Language Learners Progress Measure;
Attendance Rates;
Annual Dropout Rates (grades 7-8, grades 7-12, and grades 9-12);
Completion Rates (4-year longitudinal);
College Readiness Indicators;
Completion of Advanced / Dual Enrollment Courses;
Completion of the Recommended High School Program or Distinguished Achievement Program;
Participation and Performance on Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations;
Texas Success Initiative (TSI) – Higher Education Readiness Component;
Participation and Performance on the College Admissions Tests (SAT and ACT), and
College-Ready Graduates;
Performance on each of these indicators is shown disaggregated by ethnicity, sex, special education, low income status, limited English proficient status (since 2002-03), at-risk status (since 2003-04, district, region, and state), and, beginning in 2008-09, by bilingual/ESL (district, region, and state, in section three of reports). The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, finances, programs and student demographics.