JH/HS Counseling Services

Tiffany Parker - JH/HS Counselor
Mental Health Resources
Forsan ISD School Counselors
Laken Barron, Elementary Counselor
Tiffany Parker, Junior High/High School Counselor
Big Spring Counselors
Richard Hickam, LPC-S, 432-213-6890
Courtney Samsel, LPC, 432-466-1295
Jan Shaw, LPC-A, 432-466-1696 https://www.rekindledhope.org/
Midland Counselor
Jody Gully, LPC 432-934-3113
San Gabriel Psychiatry
Gabriel Eleda (NP)
710 S. Gregg St Suite 226
Howard Mental Health Services (West Texas Centers)
West Texas Centers Crisis and Mental Health Hotline
National Suicide Hotline:
Counseling Services in Midland/Odessa
Counseling Resource Guide
Texas Human and Health Services
College Testing
Forsan High School Code: 442475 (Needed when registering for ACT/SAT/TSIA2)
ACT: actstudent.org
SAT: mysat.collegeboard.org
TSIA2: This test is needed to take Dual Credit: Talk to Mrs. Parker or Howard College: https://howardcollege.edu/testing/
Preparation for Test:
TSI: https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/students/free-tsia2-pre-assessment-and-practice-resources
Finding Career Options:
If a website asks you to pay to get a scholarship, it is probably not a good website. PLEASE use your best judgement!
* Permian Basin Area Foundation: www.pbaf.org or scholarships@pbaf.org
* Panhandle-Plains Higher Education Foundation: https://pphef.org
* Big Spring Area Community Foundation: bsacf.org/endowment-opportunities/scholarship-fund
* Collegeforalltexans.com
* Fastweb.com
* wellsfargo.com/getcollegeready
* www.salliemae.com/plan-for-college
* https://www.scholarshipcare.com/zinch-scholarship
* https://college4texans.org/initiatives/gentx-3/
FAFSA Under Scholarship TAB
7 Things You Need Before You Fill out the FAFSA Form
1. Your FSA ID: An FSA ID is a username and password that you can use to log in to certain U.S. Department of Education (ED) websites. Each student, and one parent of each dependent student, will need an FSA ID to complete the FAFSA process on https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch. We recommend creating your FSA ID early—even before you’re ready to complete the FAFSA form—to avoid delays in the process.
2. Your Social Security Number
3. Your Driver License Number
4. Your 2017 tax records
5. Records of your untaxed income
6. Records of your assets
7. List of school(s) you are interested in attending.
College Military Information
Choosing College:
Applying to College:
Military Choices: